DS CHEMSOL’s roles and responsibilities as a technology platform company called “One-Stop Solution” for customers and partners
주식회사 디에스캠솔 | 대표이사: 이승재
사업자등록번호: 133-81-22884
충청북도 충주시 주덕읍 중원산업로 178
TEL: 043-840-2600 | FAX 043-840-2635
E-mail: dwm@dschemsol.com
Copyright ⓒ 2023 dschemsol All rights reserved.
DS CHEMSOL INC. | CEO: Seungjae Lee | Business Registration Number: 133-81-22884
178 Joongwonsanup-ro, Judeok-eup, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea(27459)